Whoopee Moment Shared
The power of slow is about our relationship with time and how we can live mindfully to have more of it. But what if your days were numbered, like Randy Pausch’s? What if you thought your time was up, then got a second chance?
For as long as I’ve known Larry Pontius, he has been a lung transplant listee. We corresponded for a few years via email before actually meeting at a lovely restaurant in Orlando, Florida, one June afternoon. He had enthralled me with his amazing writing ability (read Waking Walt. You will love it!). Larry carried his oxygen tank with grace. His lovely wife, Harriet, is a bicoastal commuter whose powerhouse job as the head of marketing for Universal studios puts her in the unique position of travelling to Los Angeles several weeks out of the month.
Then I read Larry’s blog post about his Whoopee moment. After years of waiting, he finally received a transplanted lung that allows him to awake with the most amazing sensation ever.
I am no longer sick.
My days are no longer perceivably finite.
I like it.
What whoopee moment have you had lately? Was it when you found that extra five bucks in your summer shorts you’d stored over the winter? Or when you saw your dreaded appointment was pushed back to another day, allowing you to head to the family BBQ after all?
Whoopee moments are what Larry defines as moments of joy. He writes:
Everyone has a chance to make a new start every day. You only have so much time to be happy. And it’s a bunch more fun than a Whoopee cushion.
Now that’s certainly something to make noise about.
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