Top Ten Work-Life Balance Blogs

Many thanks to MyLifeScoop for naming the Power of Slow blog one of the top ten work-life balance blogs!

Today has been yet another lesson in slow. Even though it didn’t start off very slowly…

The alarm went off at 5:30 a.m., just as the church bells did. You see we live in a slow rural town in which the church still alerts the farmers when it is time to milk the cows. I took a long, hot shower, then accidentally dropped my liquid make-up on the floor. It shattered, then splattered, right onto the outfit I was supposed to wear for a TV commercial I filmed this morning.

Everything happens for a reason, I heard my inner voice whisper. I took a slow, deep breath, then did what any self-respecting wife would do. I woke up my husband to ask for help!

He got up to hand wash the spots off my white shirt, then iron it. I ended up dropping the shirt again, this time in the car. The great news was the production company opted for a different blouse (the one I ended up wearing), saying the white was too bright for the camera. Whew.

Sometimes the Universe is shouting, and we’re not listening. It was obvious my white blouse wanted to stay home. When we give it up to the Universe (God), we are trusting that what is unfolding is the perfect creation that was meant to be.

The filming went very well. The camera man smiled encouragingly, the make-up artist dabbed every now and again, and the director said, “Yup. Goose bumps. It’s a wrap.”

With the help of my new navigation system, I came home in plenty of time to congratulation my son on his super grade on his math test and to bask in the glory of the emerging sun.

How do you trust in the Universe when things don’t go according to your internal script?


  1. Willow Drinkwater

    January 13, 2010 at 2:50 am

    First, I take a deep breath and look around at options when my plan isn’t God’s. Breathing deeply usually brings enough oxygen to my brain to change the course in my direction. Looking up helps, too. Smiling. Then saying a prayer, “Tell me what to do now, Lord.” He always tells me.

    1. powerofslow

      January 13, 2010 at 5:03 pm

      What a great idea! Looking heavenward and saying a prayer. It helps us remain mindful of Who is in charge, eh? 🙂

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