Better Days

Bruce Springsteen sings of them. So do the Goo Goo Dolls. But the best lyrics I’ve heard recently about better days is a line in Dave Matthews’ Song, “Cry Freedom.” “The future is no place/to place your better days.”

Better days refer to better times. It usually is followed by “When I do X,Y,Z, then A,B,C can happen,” such as “When I have lost five kilos, then I’ll be happy.” Deferring the good stuff in life is not a good idea because you really don’t know when your personal bank account of time will close forever.

Better days are here and now. If you let them in. And they can be found anywhere at any time in the still, small moments that frame our lives.

Getting to your happy place isn’t hard if you make it a habit every day. When you wake up in the morning, what’s the first thing you think about? Your worries? Your to-dos? Or do you focus your attention on what’s right in your world? Do you greet the day with the reverence it deserves?

The good news is if you are reading this, you get another chance to make today that better day. Are you with me on this one?


  1. Melissa Curran

    September 17, 2012 at 7:23 pm

    I am with you on this one and guilty of waking up to my worries and to-do list. I shall try very hard to wake up with more gratitude – after all, that’s what I write about! ;o)

    1. powerofslow

      September 18, 2012 at 7:06 am

      Embrace this day and allllll the possibilities that it brings. And you will see the mystical-magical unfolding of you.

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