When darkness births a flame

“When day comes, we step out of the shade of flame and unafraid. The new dawn balloons as we free it. For there is always light, if only we’re brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it.“ – “The Hill […]

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A New Us

When I was a child, I played a dice game at the local fair. The smell of hot dogs and cotton candy loomed above me as I sat on the bar stool, tossing the dice in hopes of winning a prize. In my tender seven […]

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Dancing between the spaces of time

Dancing between the spaces of time is not something we are taught to do. And yet in those pockets we find the magic of life that actually got us here. This year has brought the world together in ways unimaginable. Through sorrow. And loss. And […]

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The deep exhalation

As the fog tumbled slowly down our lane, I felt a quiet awakening of spirit and an inward song left too long unsung. The egregious years of reckoning sank solemnly upon our heads and hearts as we struggled to find the real behind the curtain. […]

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The Grief of a Nation

It is hard to describe to someone who is not a US citizen what it feels like to watch your birth nation fall apart at the seams. The endemic issues that have percolated to the surface are not new, but the manner with which they […]

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It is time we rise

The heat swelled outside our windows. The sky expanded in a hue of blue reserved for the last breath of August and the meteorologists promised us today would be the last time we would feel the heat of this year. 2020 has given us plenty […]

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A reason, a season or a lifetime

The video flickered. “Can you hear me?” “Yes!” “Can you see me?” “Girl, I have seen you for thirty years. And you, well you look as beautiful as the day we first met.” I blushed. This is what good friends say to one another. Even […]

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Going with the wind

Olivia de Havilland passed away today. In Paris. At the age of 104. Her most notable role was playing Melanie Hamilton Wiles in the 1939 classic Gone with the Wind as the good girl who befriends the wily Scarlett O’Hara and, in the end, dies […]

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The near-death of a child

Writing. Words. The hope of my everything. The thing that has kept me alive all these years. Many days I feel no one has listened. No one has cared. And I write anyway. Because it has helped me. It helps me still. And that is, […]

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Strength over fear

When your strength is stronger than your fear, you move mountains. Courage is not measured by the actual number of wins you have in life. It is measured by the number of times you get up when you have fallen. It is a mark of […]

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