Little Victories

Sometimes the world feeds us falsehoods. Or misdirected messages. Or confusing experiences. We teeter-totter our way toward truth, or our version of it at least. Panic sets in. Or hope. Or despair. Or none of the above. Every moment offers us the chance to see […]

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The Reason

Why is a child’s favorite word. Why do birds fly? Why does the rain fall? Why? Why. Why… We never stop asking ourselves that question. Later, as life progresses, we ask ourselves “Why me? Why now? Why not?” We are the reason seekers. We look […]

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The Chain of Events

Do you believe in chance? You know, those ‘chance meetings’ or events that sculpt our lives in unforseeable ways? I like to think of such things as fortune. Life is an unfolding mystery, yet it seems as if it is scripted in some ways too.  […]

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