Shelf It
The state of my office reflects my state of mind. If things are bursting at the seams, so am I. Have you ever noticed when your desk is a mess you feel out of sorts too? You might not pick up on your sense of […]
New ideas need room to grow. Although it is risky to make a change, change is inevitable. As we attempt to keep pace with our rush-rush world, we notice that space is something of which we have little. So last weekend I tossed old magazines, […]
Ah productivity! It is a word I truly love. We feel so accomplished, so in the flow, so, so, so…organized! Yet one look at my frumpy desk will tell you I could be streamlining a few things to make my life a little more flow […]
Whether we carry our baggage inside or out, we all have our own load to bear. My ten year-old daughter’s room is no different. Her biggest issue is The Paper Plague. She starts projects, usually stops mid-page, then stuffs it in a drawer, on a surface […]