The Basement Blues

Truth time: There is something about my basement that makes me incredibly sad. I am an unwilling partner in storage of the things housed there. At first glance, the items on the shelves and leaning against the walls are innocuous. My convertible’s hard top during […]

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The Appreciation of Depreciation

Nothing measures the passage of time more than watching children grow. Or trees that suddenly shoot up to the sky. Or cars that have served you well that suddenly show signs of aging. My loyal sports car has a few rough edges now. It failed […]

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Jammin’ to the Good Stuff

My kitchen shelf is stocked to the brim with homemade jam. Admittedly, I became spoiled at the tender age of twenty-two. It was the first time I tasted Monika’s fine bread spread. Hand-picked, summer ripe fruit and a little sugar are the only ingredients she uses. […]

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Sleep on It

Sleep is essential, yet many of us don’t get the kind of quality sleep we need to be at our best. Since we spend one-third of our lives on a mattress, wouldn’t it make sense to get a good one? My life partner got a […]

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Planting the Seeds

Whether you have a green thumb or not, you are a gardener. You plant seeds wherever you go. Sometimes we are like dandelions, multiplying ourselves through the myriad ideas we sow. With just one gust of wind, we can cover an entire field with our […]

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The Slow Road to Heaven

Speed is relative. Okay, so you can quantify it, measure it, try to control it. But in the end, everyone has his own custom pace. Mine used to be a lot faster than it is now. But my deceleration was gradual. I only notice how […]

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For the Love of Simplicity

Smooth lines. Clean surfaces. Rooms filled with air, not stuff. Streamlining life can be so lovely. “Simplicity is what I want in 2014,” my friend told me. But, she admitted, in our complicated world filled with data and distraction, it’s not that simple to obtain. […]

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The Shattering Power of Gratitude

Gratitude can rock your world. It’s the cousin of joy. No, on second thought, it’s the Siamese twin. You simply can’t have one without the other. Yesterday a sales lady caught me cradling some high-end shampoo as I walked to the checkout counter. I was […]

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Saving Your Best for…Now

Today is tomorrow’s memory. But because we never can be certain that tomorrow will ever come, it is better to make the best of now. My aunt subscribes to the “use your best every day” rule. She insists on using silver and china for the […]

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The Keeper of the Keys

A sure-fire sign that life has gotten overwhelming is the moment I’ve misplaced my keys. I call it the misplaced key syndrome. It’s a telltale sign that something is askew in my rhythm. This week I lost my keys twice within the matter of an […]

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