When you just don’t know

It has been a week of #techfailure. We don’t realize how very dependent we are on our devices until they wheeze and cough, fall silent or retreat — solemnly and completely — into utter darkness. For the past six weeks I have ignored the signs. […]

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Being a creator

Do you ever wonder why you are so exhausted? You try your hardest to live a Slow life, mindful of your time and what you do with it. You exercise, eat right, call your parents regularly. And yet it sometimes feel like it is not […]

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The Shocking Truth of Gadget Usage

Their heads were bowed. Their eyes were lowered. For a moment, I thought Manhattanites were in mourning again. Only it wasn’t 2001. It was 2008. And everyone I saw on the street was looking at their smartphones. I haven’t lived in the United States since […]

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For the Love of Creation

Nature, that juicy piece of the world that teaches us so much. A tree stands tall through storms and sunshine. A flower unfolds simply for the beauty of itself. A bird sings because it can. Everything in Nature is precoded. A blade of grass doesn’t […]

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The Google-ization of Life

There is more to life than convenience and quick answers. Sometimes the slow route to knowledge is more interesting. Yet Google would have us believe — with its heart-warming television commercials — that the world is just a click away. And every answer to every […]

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Slow Childhood

  The blue hue of the screen lent my kids’ faces an eery glow. Eyes widened, mouths slightly ajar, they looked as if they were frozen in time. Digital devices can do that. They not only freeze time, they eat it up, skewing our perception […]

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DIY ~ No Wonder We’re So Tired

Our modern world has become obsessed with do-it-yourself everything. From getting gasoline to checking yourself out at the grocery store to booking your own flights to wherever – you are put in the driver’s seat. Now don’t get me wrong. I like the freedom of […]

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Little Simplicities

The simple life means something different to everyone. For some it means living in small, minimalistic spaces. For others it means removing barriers that stand in their way. For others still it refers to their pace of life ~ sleepy, super Slow and silent. For […]

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Light in Slow Motion

How does light look in slow motion? This MIT scientist shows us using a femto-camera that is able to slow down photography to less than a nanosecond. Happy Thursday Viewing, All!   [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SoHeWgLvlXI]

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Your Life: Summed Up

The average American spends nine years of his life watching television and two million commercials. Only two weeks of his life is spent kissing another person. Imagine if those numbers were reversed (and probably are in some countries!). The average Joe spends 4,050 hours at […]

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