Jammin’ to the Good Stuff

My kitchen shelf is stocked to the brim with homemade jam. Admittedly, I became spoiled at the tender age of twenty-two. It was the first time I tasted Monika’s fine bread spread. Hand-picked, summer ripe fruit and a little sugar are the only ingredients she uses. […]

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The Good Life — Right Where You Are

Owning a restaurant is more than a full-time occupation. It’s a life decision. It consumes every aspect of your schedule, starting with opening hours and ending with unforeseen crises that demand your attention whenever they happen. I admire restaurateurs for their gumption, their commitment, their love […]

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The Celebration of Uncertainty

Possibility grows in the space of uncertainty. If we were absolutely certain about how everything would turn out in our lives, we would have no room to consider what might happen if we choose a different path altogether. We would be stuck in a one-way […]

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The Energy of Slow Food

When you live life with an open heart of compassion and love, the most amazing thing happens. You start to resonate with people on a level you may not have thought possible. Take my recent visit to the butcher shop as an example. As I […]

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Giving Your Food the Wow Factor

Healthy eating is a big part of the Slow Movement. You are what you eat, and how you do it, too. Smart cooking doesn’t come naturally to all of us so that’s why I breathed a sigh of relief when Camilla V. Saulsbury’s 5 Steps […]

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Get Your Plate in Shape

Did you know that March is National Nutrition Month? The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (formerly the American Dietetic Association) is encouraging everyone to include healthy foods from all food groups through this year’s theme: “Get Your Plate in Shape.” “Vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean […]

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In Defense of the ‘Hog, Sleep and Winter Needs

Groundhog Punxatawney Phil* saw his shadow yesterday. According to folklore, that’s six more weeks of winter for us. Catching a glimpse of a TV segment about the poor groundhog that those celebratory folks in that Western Pennsylvanian town unceremoniously extrapolated from his faux burrow (I […]

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Superbowl Eats the Slow Way

When I heard about Tosca Reno’s new book, Just the Rules for Eating Clean, I got curious. Given the Super Bowl is coming up on February 5, 2012, I thought it would be a good thing to provide some of her recipes as a healthier option […]

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Why We’re So Fat

Fat. Now there’s an ugly word. The truth is one in three Americans is considered obese by the Centers for Disease Control. 17% of all U.S. children are too. It’s an astounding number. How has it come to this? According to FastCompany, our brains aren’t […]

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