How Plastic Are Our Lives?

Two years ago my husband and I participated in a TV science program about life without petroleum products for a day. It was astounding how many things we use that are petroleum-based. Plastic is just one of them. The animal kingdom, the plant kingdom and […]

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What Comedy can Teach Us About Time

W.C. Fields once said, “Comedy is a serious business. A serious business with only one purpose— to make people laugh.” For those who appreciate a good comedy, you will know it is meant to look easy, fresh and spontaneous. And if you’ve ever been on […]

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Managing the Older Worker

In the last century we’ve increased our longevity by thirty years. In 1900 folks lived an average of 47 years; by the year 2000 that number had jumped to 78. Although I am far from retirement age, I follow the conversation of the changing retirement […]

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Focus ~ We Live in a Shiny Object World

Ellen Daehnick, owner of the management consulting agency, b-spoke group, says our heightened distraction leaves us depleted and worn. Back to back meetings used to leave her breathless until she found a secret strategy to disengage from clock combat. No more shiny object distraction for […]

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