The courage to be real

In our Instagram world, it is not always easy to portray life as it really is. We get pulled into a virtual universe of looking good. Posting pretty. Forgetting the edges and corners of reality. The draw to place things in the best light possible […]

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The Journey’s Way

Plans are a wonderful point of orientation, but like any roadmap, they change over time. New roads are added. Old ones turn to dust. Anyone with an outdated navigation system will tell you not all roads lead to Rome. Sometimes they take you down dead ends […]

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The Naked Turtle

Sometimes it takes a good long while for things to sink in. You go days, weeks, months, struggling with an issue that just won’t let you go. You wrestle with it this way and that. You wake up suddenly at 2 a.m., thoughts holding your […]

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Quieting the Complaining Mind

Between the hours of two and four in the morning, my mind enters the Fret Zone. I worry, complain, argue and fight about the weirdest things. It is as if all the frustration from the day comes tumbling into one pile of yuckiness. And if […]

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The Finish Line

When you get to the finish line, will you wish for more time? I had to ask myself that question as I watched the beat of my own heart on the EKG machine. Lying in the emergency room in the middle of the night on a Thursday, […]

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Freelance Nation

Freelancer, diversified worker, temporary agent — I prefer the term independent contractor. It sounds more serious. More stabile. More delivering. Whatever you call those of us who work on our own without the safety net of an employer paying our health insurance or days off, […]

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A little bit can go a long way

My friend’s face loomed large on my iMac screen. She had forty minutes before her next appointment. It had been too long since we last spoke. And now, because I too had been ten minutes late, we had less time together than planned. “How’s life?” […]

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The Value of Failure

If at first you do not succeed, try, try again. Let’s face it. Success is sweet. And we want it more than we want the smudgy, sweaty, stinky sensation of having given it our all only to flop altogether. But over the years, I have […]

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The Slow Road to Heaven

Speed is relative. Okay, so you can quantify it, measure it, try to control it. But in the end, everyone has his own custom pace. Mine used to be a lot faster than it is now. But my deceleration was gradual. I only notice how […]

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