The Finish Line
When you get to the finish line, will you wish for more time? I had to ask myself that question as I watched the beat of my own heart on the EKG machine. Lying in the emergency room in the middle of the night on a Thursday, […]
When you get to the finish line, will you wish for more time? I had to ask myself that question as I watched the beat of my own heart on the EKG machine. Lying in the emergency room in the middle of the night on a Thursday, […]
Where there is love, there is magic. Where there is magic, there is mystery. Where there is mystery, there is life. Where there is life, there is love. Amazing how that works, right? If you’re not feeling the yin and yang of life, just remember […]
For the past year, I have shared the “top thing to do today” on Facebook. As with most inspired writing, I have no idea where it comes from, but I know it has to be said. Now, here are some of the highlights — in […]
What brings you joy? Do you ever ask yourself that question? I don’t know about you, but somehow I get the sense that we place a cap on our joy, as if we aren’t allowed to be too joyful in case something goes wrong. As […]
The holiday season is meant to be a basket of joy, but I am getting the sense that many people are more on edge than usual. On those days when life gets out of hand, expectations mount and stress spills into your bloodstream, it is […]
Forget the Fountain of Youth. According to Franz Kafka, “[a]nyone who keeps the ability to see beauty in every age of life really never grows old.” If we look about us, we can find beauty everywhere ~ in the gentle lilting fluff of a six-month-old […]
Whenever I board a plane, train or automobile to a new place, I am guided by my internal GPS. Every interaction I have or person I meet opens my eyes in new ways. I am informed by the novelty of the situation, but also by […]
Tanja didn’t believe me at first. “Hug a tree?” she skeptically looked at me over her steaming mug of coffee. “Alright then, Christine.” She refrained from rolling her eyes at me. For the moment. I explained the power of trees, of their grounding nature, of […]
Words touch me like fire and wind. They move my heart, my spirit, my soul. They haunt my dreams, collecting themselves in a line, pushing through my mind to be heard. So I give voice to them however I can. In the silence of the […]