Desiderata Days ~ Rights

One powerful thing I’ve learned from my mother is taking delight in everyone I meet. While some people are more agreeable than others, there is good in everyone. Practice speaking to that goodness when you meet someone new. You might be surprised at what they […]

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Desiderata Days ~ Self-Love

In the time of self-loathing, we are due for some serious self-love. We are enough ~ we are more than enough! Max Ehrmann says: Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. Oftentimes we feel we have to do everything at once ~ be svelt, […]

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Desiderata Days ~ Spirit

My husband lost his job about eight years ago. For six months we didn’t know what we would do. As crazy as it sounds, I felt a lightening of spirit as I realized “Now we have been liberated to do what we truly want.” My […]

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Desiderata Days ~ Aged Counsel

With age comes wisdom. And while we may see marked changes in our physique, we benefit from an equally noticeable transformation from within. There comes a time in life when we realize residing within instead of setting our compass from without is the path to […]

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Desiderata Days ~ Love

Love is all there is. We’ve heard this from Jesus; we hear it today from our contemporary love gurus. It is true. Love forms the bond that keeps us going every day. Max Ehrmann says: Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love, […]

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Desiderata Days ~ YOU

Is there nothing more liberating than being around people who love you for YOU and who really see you? They’re not trying to mold you to their agenda or stuff you into a role they think you should play. They delight in your very you-ness […]

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Desiderata Days ~ Heroism

Yesterday we spoke of thievery. Today we touch on heroism. While a bad apple might spoil the barrel, there are many more good apples in the bushel. It is in our nature to focus on negative events as more significant. It has to do with […]

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Desiderata Days ~ Delight

The old saying “If you want to make God laugh, make plans” reveals how things don’t always go as we think they should. It is in our nature to be forward-thinking on some level. Delight in your accomplishments (and those of others!). Max Ehrmann says: […]

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Desiderata Days ~ Self-Love

The key to making yourself miserable is to compare yourself to someone else. What a gift you are to this world! Your singularity makes you YOU. Max Ehrmann says: If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will […]

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