When being is more than enough

Sometimes the best thing we can do in life is nothing at all. Standing strong in the face of the storm. Observing. Watching. Casting no judgment. No shadows. No doubt. Letting things be. It is not easy watching someone you love suffer, knowing you can […]

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The crash of the ocean

Everything that happens on this Earth is in our best interest, even when it is cloaked in dark veils. Some days I wonder why, why, why. Why the injustice? Why the struggle? Why the pain of existence? And then, after a long pause, dancing between […]

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The dream interpreter

Dreams. They accompany us on life’s journey. Yet dreams can turn into expectations, which can turn into our worst nightmares. We dream about what our lives could have been. And what they still could be. We dream about what our children’s lives could have been. […]

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Bowing to the altar of love

A seismic shift in thinking can happen with a single book. Or a single experience. Or a combination of both. The Anatomy of Peace: Resolving the Heart of Conflict by The Arbinger Institute is one such book. Sending my son to the outback in Utah […]

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Nature’s wrath

Have you ever tried to stop the wind? It is a ferocious force. We have windmills to capture it, sailboats to utilize it and chimes to ride its wave. But wind comes and goes depending on factors beyond our immediate control. As I recently stood […]

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Uprooted, upended, upside down

Change. The thing you find lying randomly on the sidewalk. And that other thing that defines what being alive means. My one and only daughter turned eighteen the other day. I experienced a mixture of sadness and elation. Sad that her childhood is slowly coming […]

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Slow Childhood

“Seven hours of consecutive sleep.” That was my birthday wish after having Kid #2. My mother laughed and promised me this phase would be over before I knew it. At the time, that fact didn’t penetrate my sleep-deprived brain. I didn’t believe her. Now I […]

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The Mightier Pen

They say the pen is mightier than the sword. In times like these, when airports where my children were supposed to be, blow up thirty-six hours prior to their arrival, I am apt to take pen to paper to make sense of it all. Only […]

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The Wings to Fly

Time is the most precious resource we have. How we spend our days informs how we experience life. We are challenged, but that is not what matters. What counts is how we move forward even when obstacles cross our paths. Watching children grow into young […]

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