Going with the wind

Olivia de Havilland passed away today. In Paris. At the age of 104. Her most notable role was playing Melanie Hamilton Wiles in the 1939 classic Gone with the Wind as the good girl who befriends the wily Scarlett O’Hara and, in the end, dies […]

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The fanfare of unfairness

Life is unfair. And we are faced every day with a choice to act fairly anyway. To be kind. To rise when others go low. It isn’t easy to choose kindness over ugliness when we are triggered by past events that live in our hearts […]

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This is the sign we’ve been looking for

Diaphanous. It means fragile. Fine. Like democracy itself. We have once again witnessed how quickly the tides can turn as Alabama voted for kindness over coldness. If we turn up. Gloating is majorly unattractive. So is name-calling. And even if I agree politically with certain […]

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The Search for Simplicity

The sweet, satisfied sigh that ensues a Sudoku puzzle accomplished. The chubby rolls of a baby’s leg. The quickly abated tragedy put aside with ice cream and a game of catch. The nightly news that speaks of a neighborhood robbery, not the salacious stealing of […]

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The Alignment of Heart and Head

Kindness has a broader reach than hatred, which trickles in the snow like blood, standing frozen, marring beauty, seeping into the deep, but going nowhere. Kindness has a gentler bounce, a firmer foundation, a more profound penetration. It is like silk to hatred’s dirty rags. […]

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The Curative Nature of Kindness

“You may be sorry that you spoke, sorry you stayed or went, sorry you won or lost, sorry so much was spent. But as you go through life, you’ll find — you’re never sorry you were kind.” — Herbert V. Prochnow Kindness has its own special […]

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On Being Real

Dreams are an awesome map to the psyche. They illustrate our innermost thoughts and fears. And hopes too. In our dreams anything is possible. We can bend time, suspend it or move beyond it, if we wish. Last night I had the best dream ever. […]

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Are You Authentic…or Just Annoying?

Mike Robbins recently gave a Tedx speech on the power of authenticity. Being authentic is not always easy, he says, but it is equally liberating when we attempt it with courage. Speaking your heartfelt truth gives other license to do the same. There is a […]

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Something to Laugh About

When was the last time you had a great good belly laugh? You know. The kind that makes your sides split. The type that scrunches your face and has you forget your troubles instantly? It is reported that the average adult laughs 17 times a […]

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The Joy Option

Love comes from within. And it starts with loving yourself first. You know the adage: you can’t find love if you don’t know how to give it. That applies to giving it to yourself in heaps too. I learned this lesson the hard way, always […]

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