Love in the Land of the Lost

The book pulled me in and kept me there, until last night when I turned the final page. Eleven Minutes by Paulo Coelho is a haunting story about a young girl from the backwaters of Brazil who seeks love in all the wrong places. She […]

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The Death of an Icon

“Listen to yourself and in that quietude you might hear the voice of God.” – Maya Angelou’s final tweet, May 23, 2014 Maya Angelou has died. Her autobiography I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings haunted me in college and I continued to follow her […]

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The Kitchen Goddess

Change has been on my mind lately. It may have something to do with the book I am currently reading by Chip and Dan Heath, Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard. In my mind, change is always hard. It’s uncomfortable and messy […]

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The Four Agreements

Don Miguel Ruiz rocks. He’s shamanic. He’s magical. He is oh-so-wise. In a book entitled The Four Agreements, Ruiz outlines ancient Toltec wisdom in doable steps that anyone can follow. In thinking about his wise words recently, I realized you could look at his agreements […]

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The Weight of Words

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” Wanna make a bet? I’ve never agreed with that saying. For anyone who has been bullied before, words can do more damage than a machine gun. Words have more power in the […]

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Move the World with Your Awesome

The papers in my office must copulate at night because I swear to you I have recycled, tossed and filed for weeks and it keeps on coming. In yet another vigorous act of purging, I recently threw out reams of grade school notebooks that my […]

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Slow, Green Reads for Earth Month

Books. They are my passion. They make me weep. They dropkick loneliness to another planet. Books have meaning, make meaning, build meaning. Books are the cornerstone for life. While my editor at St. Martin’s recently astounded herself by actually going to a physical bookstore to […]

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Join the Smiling Turtle

What’s today? Not just Pearl Harbor Day. No, no! Today is the day you can join me, Shirley MacLaine, my smiling turtle and many others to receive a ton of bonus prizes when you purchase a copy of The Power of Slow. Who is the […]

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Thank you, Cal State Polytech!

Since I last blogged, I’ve celebrated another birthday, filmed a beer commercial (on set and outside for 14 hours ~ouch!), visited a Renaissance festival in the walled city of Rothenburg for an overnight with the kids and cleaned both our cars. Doesn’t sound slow, does […]

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