Time etched in our faces

Flipping over to my recent social media feed, I read a comment from a dear, lifelong friend who tenuously expressed both gratitude and wonder at turning 54 this year. She listed all the things gravity and strong emotions had done to her physical appearance (she […]

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Summer’s Farewell

The sun rays pierce through the open sky. The smell of decaying leaves fills the air. Summer gasps its last breath as we say fare-thee-well for another year. I have never been at such peace to bid the hot months goodbye as I have been this […]

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Unlocking the Mysteries of Time

It has taken 47 years, but I have finally unlocked the mystery of time. Well, that might be an exaggeration, actually. Our first personal experience with time is the moment we enter this world. The time of our birth marks our beginning. The time of […]

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It is the Journey, Not its Destination

Computers get tired. Smartphones too. Every once in a while they get sluggish after all the work they’ve done. They need to be switched off, left alone for a little while and given a chance to reorganize all the information we have put into them. […]

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How to Thrive, Not Just Survive

It is as if Arianna Huffington took off her high heels and climbed into my head. For the past week I have devoured her latest book, Thrive. It is not as if she says anything new, but reading her book is like getting a whole […]

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The Phases of Our Days

Just when you think it will never be over, it is. Those difficult phases in your life when you think things will always be this way. As a young mom with two babies, I was once asked what I wanted for my birthday. “Eight hours […]

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A Wrinkle in Time

When I was in the fourth grade, Madeleine L’Engle captured my imagination with her children’s book A Wrinkle in Time . I couldn’t tell you what it is about, but I do remember how it made me feel — as if time itself were bendable, […]

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Energy Savers ~ Just Be It

Halloween is over, but vampires are everywhere. You know the kind: The energy vampires that suck the life right out of you. Maybe you are struggling to get everything done on your to-do list. Have you taken a look at it lately? Do you really […]

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Dance Between the Raindrops

Yesterday I got caught in two rainstorms. In my old, pre-Slow life, I may have found that to be problematic at best. But now I take it, take it all, with a blissful acceptance that everything is meant to be. And to be offered an […]

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The Progress Principle

Being at a standstill can be the most frustrating experience for a recovering speedaholic like myself. Although I know there is power in slow, there are moments when setbacks make it feel like the world is going to end. Apparently, I am not alone in […]

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