The solace of the winter solstice

As December 21 approaches, we are skirting on the edges of dawn’s light, the threshold of tomorrow’s longer days. For the past few weeks, the sun’s weak rays have barely penetrated the sky. It has an effect on us all, propelling an inward motion, a […]

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Slow Travel in the Times of COVID

Travel has become, shall we say, complicated since the pandemic swept across borders and into the lives of the global populace. Anticipation has been replaced by anxiety and a lurking, ominous sense of second-guessing whether we should just stay put instead remains. But the desire […]

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We Are

The seasons dawdle. We do too. Just when we think it is Spring, the cold winds whip. And our faces become numb with the icy realization that things are never as they seem. Or what we expect. The mystery of life comes alive every single […]

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Scared senseless

Are you scared? So am I. And I am doing it anyway. Life promised me things. A great career, a great relationship, a great horizon. As I deepened myself in the process of it all, I emerged broken, shattered, perplexed, shunned. It didn’t turn out […]

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What color is YOUR lamp?

The room fell silent as we thought through our day. It had been a grueling ten-hour day at the Inner Negotiation Workshop with another day to go. This personal development seminar, held both in the United States and Holland by the Motivation Management Service Institute, […]

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When darkness births a flame

“When day comes, we step out of the shade of flame and unafraid. The new dawn balloons as we free it. For there is always light, if only we’re brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it.“ – “The Hill […]

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A New Us

When I was a child, I played a dice game at the local fair. The smell of hot dogs and cotton candy loomed above me as I sat on the bar stool, tossing the dice in hopes of winning a prize. In my tender seven […]

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Dancing between the spaces of time

Dancing between the spaces of time is not something we are taught to do. And yet in those pockets we find the magic of life that actually got us here. This year has brought the world together in ways unimaginable. Through sorrow. And loss. And […]

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