The decision of a single person

Life is a constant undulation, like the ocean itself. We think of the waves as a separate part of its entirety, but my experience is of another. The waves are not only a part of the ocean. They are the ocean itself. When we see […]

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It is time we rise

The heat swelled outside our windows. The sky expanded in a hue of blue reserved for the last breath of August and the meteorologists promised us today would be the last time we would feel the heat of this year. 2020 has given us plenty […]

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Overcoming SADness

The sky is dripping with rain against a murky grayish backdrop. The trees have put down their blinds, standing stoically dormant outside my office window. The Christmas music singing merrily in the background seems oddly out of place. Mirth and cheer? At this time of […]

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Time-Wise Tips

While I don’t believe you can manage actual time, only the energy you put into it, I thought I’d give you another blogger’s view of the things to do to frame your energy within the time you have. What do you think? Infographic by Jack […]

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The Alignment of Heart and Head

Kindness has a broader reach than hatred, which trickles in the snow like blood, standing frozen, marring beauty, seeping into the deep, but going nowhere. Kindness has a gentler bounce, a firmer foundation, a more profound penetration. It is like silk to hatred’s dirty rags. […]

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Happiness Before You

Some days I will search and search for “misplaced” sunglasses or keys or some such only to find the item right before my very eyes. I call the phenomenon “displacia”, an affliction caused by a crowded mind. The search for happiness is similar. We think […]

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Who Gives a Shift?

Change. It’s the only thing we can count on. And it’s gonna happen, whether we like it or not. Although we may try to prepare ourselves for life’s transitions, it isn’t really possible to consider all eventualities. Back in the day when I was scraping by […]

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Slow Road to Everything

Sustainability takes time. If you want something to last, you need to go slow. Want good grades? Study often. Want more fitness? Exercise often. Want to play the flute? Practice often. Want better relationships? Listen often. Good things can come from repetition. A fabulous relationship […]

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Run (in the Forest), Run!

What does running have to do with the power of slow? There really is nothing Slow about running per se. With a minor exception of one blazing summer as a Washington, D.C. intern, I’ve never been the jogging type. But I do love my walks […]

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Vulnerability is not for the fragile

Teetering on a tightrope, trying not to look down, arms dancing from side to side in spread-eagle fashion. Toes sweating. Heart racing. Mind frozen in concentration. Being vulnerable is not for the fair-hearted. Somewhere in my history, I thought showing any sign of weakness was […]

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