The battle of surrender

Suffice it to say, it has been a weird, weird Spring. Frozen in a state of paralysis, I watched time first stand still, then rush down the corridor in a torrent. Weeks spilled into weekends into a space beyond the clock. Did I wake up […]

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No need to panic — just yet

Street fights. Christmas market attacks. Protests against mass immigration. The rise of populism and the puppetry of power. If we are to believe the media, the world is careening toward disaster. Over and over again. But there is one media member who is optimistic: Josef […]

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Why Should You Care?

The unyielding darkness has started to seep into the Northern Hemisphere. Abbreviated sunlight in November has always affected my mood, challenging my natural buoyancy by the stagger and sway of light deprivation. And this year we have an additional force to reckon with: a metaphorical shadowy veil […]

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Summer’s Farewell

The sun rays pierce through the open sky. The smell of decaying leaves fills the air. Summer gasps its last breath as we say fare-thee-well for another year. I have never been at such peace to bid the hot months goodbye as I have been this […]

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Earth Day Tip ~ Sustainable Eating

You are what you eat, and how you eat it. Locally grown produce, also known as Slow Food, is not only good for you, it’s good for the environment, too. On this Earth Day, I pose the question about agriculture because the food industry is […]

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Good Housekeeping Gives its Green Seal of Approval

Good Housekeeping, that housewife’s magazine that’s been around since 1885, is keeping with the times by developing a new green Good Housekeeping seal for products its new environmental advisory board considers ‘green’. It’s an interesting concept that shows how far our consciousness has come. But […]

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How Plastic Are Our Lives?

Two years ago my husband and I participated in a TV science program about life without petroleum products for a day. It was astounding how many things we use that are petroleum-based. Plastic is just one of them. The animal kingdom, the plant kingdom and […]

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Nature at its hand-made pace

With weather like this, all I want to do is graze. It’s hard to motivate yourself when the daylight hours span 9:30 am to about 3:15 pm. I’m not kidding. It’s getting dark by tea time in Germany now.   The lack of sunlight elicits […]

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On Savoring

“Can we talk later?” My Munich friend breathed into the phone. She had just come off a three-week marathon music tour. She said she needed time to digest all that had happened over the past few weeks so we agreed to put off our conversation […]

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What the apple tree taught me

The garden is a mythological place. It’s the main stage for the beginning of humanity ~ in Biblical terms, that is. It is the showcase of Nature’s riches. And it is the place from which I have learned more about life than just about anywhere […]

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