Energy Savers ~ Just Be It

Halloween is over, but vampires are everywhere. You know the kind: The energy vampires that suck the life right out of you. Maybe you are struggling to get everything done on your to-do list. Have you taken a look at it lately? Do you really […]

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We All Fall Down

Most of you are familiar with the children’s rhyme, “Ring-around-the-rosey! A pocket full of posies? Ashes, ashes, we all fall down!” You hold hands while going around in a circle, then tumble to the ground in laugther. As a kid, falling down is what you […]

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Where Does All The Time Go?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics issues an annual report called the American Time Use Survey that relies on self-reporting from a pool of respondents as to where all their time goes. Compared to 2007, we are now reading even less, watching more TV and playing […]

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Top Five Time Wasters

If you’re like me, you like to start out the New Year with a great sense of purpose, vision and commitment. But somewhere along the way, we become, well, wayward, in our thinking and actions. If you missed the 2012 Productivity Revolution Telesummit talk I […]

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Wednesday Wait a Minute Part 3

Is it Wednesday again? Well, you know what it’s time for, then! This week’s Wednesday Wait a Minute examines strategic speed and how going fast isn’t always, well, faster. [youtube=]

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Top Ten Ways to Be More Productive

HuffPost’s Russell Bishop embraces the slow in his new book, Workarounds that Work. Baseline magazine did a nifty slide show (I just love their slide shows!) to illustrate the points below. 1.       Tangible results come from setting clearly defined goals. 2.       Prioritize. Ask yourself: Will […]

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Focus Fridays ~ Embrace your Inner Attila

Jurgen Wolff knows about alter egos. As a London-based screenwriter for TV and film, he assures you there is a place for creativity. But there is also a place for your technical thinking (such as when you’re pitching your show idea to a BlackBerry-thumbing T.V. […]

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Make Way for Ducklings

Cover via Amazon Admittedly, I was zooming through town a tad too fast. Fueled by my excitment at landing a new PR account (based in the juicy slow land of Bullerbü ~yes, Sweden!), I almost overlooked a family of ducks walking pompously across the road. […]

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