When darkness births a flame

“When day comes, we step out of the shade of flame and unafraid. The new dawn balloons as we free it. For there is always light, if only we’re brave enough to see it. If only we’re brave enough to be it.“ – “The Hill […]

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The soul-soothing quality of music

If you don’t know TED, drop what you’re doing and run, do not walk, to this site. An actor friend of mine got me turned on to this organization that hosts conferences on the most diverse subjects. TED stands for Technology Entertainment Design. It was […]

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Slow Quote ~ Loving the Moment

All that we’ve ever looked for has been within us all along. That is the lesson of Paul Coelho’s The Alchemist. In Power of Slow terms you might find this quote to be the same thing. When we love the moment, we unleash exponential possibilities. […]

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Shifting Left of Center

True inspiration comes from a deep listening that we seldom embrace in our go-go existence. As a writer, I have found it essential to take pause to capture the Voice within. Creative articulation is relentless in granting itself expression. If I don’t pay attention, the […]

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The Power of Why

 During a recent acting workshop with the gracious and gorgeous Gabrielle Scharnitzky, I learned the importance of asking ‘Why’ above all else. The motivation of the character informs everything that follows. Ask yourself what the character believes (the ‘why’) and the actions (the ‘what’) and the […]

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Slow going

If you have ever tried something new, you know how slow going it can be. That is perhaps one reason why we procrastinate. Vacuuming the home office floor is ultimately more appealing than facing our inner demons. That’s when you create a plan in your […]

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