Focus Fridays ~ Embrace your Inner Attila

Jurgen Wolff knows about alter egos. As a London-based screenwriter for TV and film, he assures you there is a place for creativity. But there is also a place for your technical thinking (such as when you’re pitching your show idea to a BlackBerry-thumbing T.V. […]

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The road less travelled

Image via Wikipedia Benjamin Franklin meant well. He advised his tradesmen audience in the aptly worded „Advice to a Young Tradesman”  that time is money. In his day a person of trade, well, traded his time for the money he earned. In many cases today […]

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When E-mail kills…

My dear friend Guy sent me a link to a story on InternetNews the other day. It addressed the spate of suicides and suicide attempts at France Telecom (a key brand of Orange) in the last year (22 with 13 attempts).  The CFO of the company, […]

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