The Healing Powers of Chocolate

Chocolate. It is happiness in a wrapper. Have you ever wondered why chocolate is so delightful? For anyone who has delved into a bar and emerged with a grin, you will agree that the sweetness of this cocoa-based treat resembles the healing powers of Grandma’s […]

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The soul-soothing quality of music

If you don’t know TED, drop what you’re doing and run, do not walk, to this site. An actor friend of mine got me turned on to this organization that hosts conferences on the most diverse subjects. TED stands for Technology Entertainment Design. It was […]

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Forest Bathing

The Japanese are at it again. No, I’m not talking about their being replaced by China as the second largest world economy. I’m referring to their most interesting way of looking at life, Nature and well-being. The other day I stumbled upon a New York […]

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