The Year the Light Came Early

The light spilled through the slits in the rolled-down shades. As my eyelids flipped back to greet the new day, I sensed something was different. The tunnel of dust that pillared from the sunbeam arching downward to meet the wooden floor told me the world […]

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It is the Journey, Not its Destination

Computers get tired. Smartphones too. Every once in a while they get sluggish after all the work they’ve done. They need to be switched off, left alone for a little while and given a chance to reorganize all the information we have put into them. […]

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The Story of an Orchid

Sometimes we must die to be born again. Even the most fragile of us can be resurrected. It just takes the right conditions. This past June my orchid languished in record temperatures while I lounged in the French sun. It wasn’t fair. It was careless. […]

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The Kitchen Goddess

Change has been on my mind lately. It may have something to do with the book I am currently reading by Chip and Dan Heath, Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard. In my mind, change is always hard. It’s uncomfortable and messy […]

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The Shakedown

Does change make you shake? Does it make you quiver inside until you feel like you’re going to burst? Change can be like a tsunami. It can wreak havoc on your entire world. But like any natural disaster, it also creates a lot of movement […]

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In my book author meanderings, I have met some incredible people: Dick Bolles, the author of the legendary What Color is Your Parachute, Louise Hay, author and publisher of Hay House; yes, I even met Oprah’s man friend, Stedman once as he released a new […]

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Life’s Little Surprises

You wake up an hour later than you thought. Your job description has been turned on its head. The weather takes a sudden turn. Change, and the way its managed, can impact our lives more than we realize. As I recently read somewhere, long-term success […]

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