The Journey’s Way

Plans are a wonderful point of orientation, but like any roadmap, they change over time. New roads are added. Old ones turn to dust. Anyone with an outdatedĀ navigation system will tell you not all roads lead to Rome. Sometimes they take you down dead ends […]

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Bad Choices, Good People

Sometimes it takes a series of really bad choices to finally make the right ones. But we can’t even know we’ve made bad decisions until we take a moment to step back and look at what we are actually doing — and why. Even when […]

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No Quantum Leaps Required

Stumbling blindly through life is something I have found myself doing whenever I leave the path of my vision. When my inner sight is clouded, I get lost in a place much like a damp, dark well. The only thing that accompanies me is the […]

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The Peace Within

Before Jesus, we didn’t know about forgiveness, turning the other cheek or living a humble, yet inspired life. Gandhi taught us about that too. His nonviolent action turned an entire empire on its ear. Peace, he taught us, comes from within. Every now and then, […]

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Making the change

In this TED Talk, Seth Godin shares his insights about how to create a movement. It is no longer about advertising and selling someone something they don’t already have. It is about connecting people who are interested and leading them down the path of transformation. […]

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