Slow Childhood

“Seven hours of consecutive sleep.” That was my birthday wish after having Kid #2. My mother laughed and promised me this phase would be over before I knew it. At the time, that fact didn’t penetrate my sleep-deprived brain. I didn’t believe her. Now I […]

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Reaping the Fruits of Slow Family Living

Bear with me. It sounds complicated, but really, it’s not. My e-friend Bernadette Noll, who is friends of friends of my friend living in Munich, is the co-founder of the Slow Family Movement, the idea of investing time in our families instead of the activities […]

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Same Day, Different Choices

The other day I sat down for a Skype chat with educator Kendra Delano, an expat first grade teacher living in Mexico. While she wore a sleeveless blouse, I froze in my long-sleeved Germanic garb. Such are the differing lives of two Americans living elsewhere. […]

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The Power of Imagination

Dr. Charlotte Reznick, author of The Power of Your Child’s Imagination, was on my mind this weekend as we took the kids to the mountains for a few days of frolicking. The four-star hotel offered great food, free WiFi, a wellness area with a pool […]

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Time Relationship and the Marshmellow Game

It’s not just me. Time perceptions really do inform how we live our lives. According to John Byrd and Philip Zimbardo, two psychologists from California, children’s ability to delay gratification led to improved standardized test performance later in life. [youtube=] Wow. A marshmellow today or […]

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Do Busy Moms Have Time?

After reading Washington Post staff writer Brigid Schulte’s time starvation manifesto, “The Test of Time: A busy working mother tries to figure out where all her time is going,” I couldn’t resist but to reach out to her to share the power of slow. I […]

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Time Zone Dance

Nothing makes you more acutely aware of the relativity of time than jetlag. We returned from our three-week trip to the States in great spirits. Iberia Airlines had vastly overbooked our flight to Munich (via Madrid) so the airline clerk suggested we hop a direct flight to […]

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Bach Kids Back-to-School Giveaway

Focus is hard to come by, especially when the temptation of a thousand distractions pulls at our kids’ attention. Bach Kids Daydream Remedy is a great, alcohol-free way to bring your kids’ concentration back on track. The folks at Bach are offering EIGHT free giveaways […]

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Taming Kitchen Beast

We’ve all been there in that space of unutterable chaos. Well, at least if you’ve ever lived with kids for even an hour… [youtube=]

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