Difficult Conversations

The year 2014 is coming to a close. In a few weeks the holidays will be upon us. I have never been happier to say farewell to one of the hardest years of my life. In many ways, it has been a good year. I […]

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Getting Closure

Recently, my friend Lissa Coffey sent me her new book, Closure. I finished reading it in Malta, but the impact of the book’s message has stayed with me. As our relationships take on new form, we often need closure. Stepping onto the plane Munich-bound, I […]

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Email Smackdown

Little known fact: our human evolution has stayed roughly the same for the last 150,000 years. Your typical desktop computer changes every few months. Compared to our human reaction time, that old PC in your home office reacts 750,000,000 times faster than you. Yet we […]

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Email’s Demise

Oh goody. Email is going the way of the IBM typewriter. It has long been overdue. After all, aren’t you just so yesterday in the world of gotta-have-it-now? I mean you’ve been around for over two decades. Email, it’s time for you to go. Jessica Vascellaro of […]

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Hubby Redemption

My way or the highway won’t for a good marriage make. So when I find myself engaging in willfulness with my husband about this thing or that, I am humbly slapped down by universal forces that show me why Nature created diversity. And husbands who […]

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