The Courage to Make a Mistake

A recent Workplace Mojo blog post got me to thinking about the fearlessness of failure. What if we were to fail. Big time. What if we were to fail so badly, we lost everything, only to begin again? What if we were to take risks […]

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The Power of Vulnerability

Last night I felt naked. Don’t worry. I wasn’t. I was amongst friends in a safe place. It was warm inside, cold outside. The lighting was friendly. The food was good. The atmosphere was lovely. I attended my ‘graduation’ dinner for my intermediate French class. […]

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Courage Lives Here

“The world breaks everyone And afterwards Many are strong at the broken places.” ~ Ernest Hemingway Brené Brown, the so-called shame researcher, blew me away again. In her second TED talk, she expounds on what shame is…and what it is not. Shame is not guilt. […]

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The Power of Fast Rescue

All thirty-three trapped Chilean miners were rescued faster than authorities thought possible yesterday. Their feat of endurance and the rescuers’ act of perseverance demonstrate how incredible human beings truly are. In a strife-torn region (Bolivia has some beef with Chile),  the miners’ story brought together […]

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