The Basement Blues

Truth time: There is something about my basement that makes me incredibly sad. I am an unwilling partner in storage of the things housed there. At first glance, the items on the shelves and leaning against the walls are innocuous. My convertible’s hard top during […]

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Dejunking the Funk: A Tale of Spring Cleaning

While we may resist change, shaking things up a bit can help release loads of blocked energy. We don’t have to move house to move mountains. Sometimes it just takes rearranging what we’ve already got. Blame it on the sunshine, but something got into me yesterday. […]

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Shelf It

The state of my office reflects my state of mind. If things are bursting at the seams, so am I. Have you ever noticed when your desk is a mess you feel out of sorts too? You might not pick up on your sense of […]

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Your Life’s Inventory

There is nothing more powerful than cleaning house. And I mean really digging down deep into those closets and drawers. Taking inventory of your belongings is a lot like taking inventory of your life. What do you need? What can you cast aside? Treading lightly […]

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7 Decluttering Tips to Feed Your Soul

If you’re like me, you get the natural urge to purge at the first spring tweet you hear. No, I’m not talking about Twitter tweets. I’m talking about the birds that signal it’s time to sift, cull and throw out all that junk you’ve been […]

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Space Awakening

You may have ignored its calling, but its crisp edges slice your skin as you enter it. The cool of fall may have only peeked once or twice through the late-summer haze. But its undertones can be heard, if ever vaguely, beneath the sound of […]

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