Flying in the No iPhone Zone

My iPhone doesn’t work in the United States. Or, more succinctly, the roaming charges would cost more than a flight at high season. So, along with my desktop, my automobile, and my TV work, I have laid my iPhone to rest for the next five […]

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Bach Kids Back-to-School Giveaway

Focus is hard to come by, especially when the temptation of a thousand distractions pulls at our kids’ attention. Bach Kids Daydream Remedy is a great, alcohol-free way to bring your kids’ concentration back on track. The folks at Bach are offering EIGHT free giveaways […]

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In favor of distraction

Arielle Ford was in the air, heading towards Las Vegas while she read my book (and ‘highlighted much of it’ she said in an email – she likes it. She really likes it!). Her husband, sitting next to her, kept poking her in the side […]

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