Some Day is Now

Eckhart Tolle teaches us about the Power of Now in his book of the same name. Now is all we have. So when you find yourself saying “Some day I’ll do this or that,” know that some day is now. When I was a kid, my […]

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The Power of Connection

Scientists have long agreed that people in community tend to live longer. In the Middle Ages the greatest punishment was to be rejected by the community, banished for eternity outside the city walls. The word excommunication really does mean just that: no longer in communication […]

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The Powerlessness of Now

Deborah Wearing‘s story is so powerful that my goosebumps cried when I read it. Her husband, Clive, lost his memory after contracting a virus that destroyed parts of his brain. He only ever lives in the now without a working memory of anything that happened […]

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Great Expectations – Suspended

Synchronicity has a way of creeping into my life almost every day. I was just having a conversation with a friend about expectation management when I received a copy of Parenting magazine. I had been interviewed for a topic about taking your kids (almost) everywhere. […]

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