The Wings to Fly

Time is the most precious resource we have. How we spend our days informs how we experience life. We are challenged, but that is not what matters. What counts is how we move forward even when obstacles cross our paths. Watching children grow into young […]

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Time-Saving Household Tips

HGTV sent me some cool tips I just had to share. Because even though we have a lot of time-saving devices in our home, we often feel we can’t bother cleaning, as if it’s taking us away from something more important. I don’t know about […]

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Sick of No Sick Days? is a very cool organization that seeks to empower people to live great lives. Since the power of slow is about mindful living, remember this: everyone is susceptible to illness. Non-paid sick days can spell disaster for some people. MomsRising has taken the issue […]

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Slow Barometer

Bernadette Noll at brought up a terrific point. Do you have a slow barometer to gauge whether your life feels managable or not? Without really knowing it, I have one, too. Typically during the week, I don’t schedule more than two appointments a day […]

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