A Return to Love

When did life turn into a game of Whack-a-Mole? If you switch on the news for even a moment, it’s as if the entire world has turned into a thwacking, walloping, hectic machine. We’re dodging and hopping and pummeling against an elusive something. We argue. […]

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The Shakedown

Does change make you shake? Does it make you quiver inside until you feel like you’re going to burst? Change can be like a tsunami. It can wreak havoc on your entire world. But like any natural disaster, it also creates a lot of movement […]

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Desiderata Days ~ Time-Outs

Have you ever noticed how much brighter things look after a good night’s sleep? When we have our sleep-deprivation goggles on, we see things differently. Max Ehrmann says: But do not distress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Stay connected […]

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