Miracles Take Time

Time is one of my favorite topics. It affects absolutely everything in the Universe, inanimate or not. How long a thing, person, plant, planet or pet exists depends on the isochrony of the clock. When I was a graduate student, I brought my love of language […]

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Going slow doesn’t mean you live risk-free. In fact, it can be pretty risky to walk at the pace of your own heartbeat. Think about the autobahn. Your fast might be someone else’s slow (in Germany that is often the case. I have a two-seater, […]

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Life’s a Beach

Last month Expedia.com released its 2012 Flip Flop report. Seeing as I developed a flip-flop method for measuring your pace of life, I feel it’s only appropriate to post this nifty infographic. Germans top the list of beach-loving nations ~ it could have something to […]

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What Honest Abe Would Think About Email

On this President’s Day, I sit in snowy Bavaria, contemplating the state of our world today. The weekend edition of my sleepy town’s paper reported on a University of South Carolina study that found 92% of the participants lied when communicating via Email (all efforts […]

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Nature at its hand-made pace

With weather like this, all I want to do is graze. It’s hard to motivate yourself when the daylight hours span 9:30 am to about 3:15 pm. I’m not kidding. It’s getting dark by tea time in Germany now.   The lack of sunlight elicits […]

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Managing the Older Worker

In the last century we’ve increased our longevity by thirty years. In 1900 folks lived an average of 47 years; by the year 2000 that number had jumped to 78. Although I am far from retirement age, I follow the conversation of the changing retirement […]

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