Island Time

The United Airlines clerk looked puzzled. “Um, you want to go to Boston?” he click-clacked on his keyboard. His furrowed brow told me my flight wasn’t going to depart any time soon. “Not from this airport. You’re in Richmond. Your flight leaves from Washington, DC.” […]

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A little bit can go a long way

My friend’s face loomed large on my iMac screen. She had forty minutes before her next appointment. It had been too long since we last spoke. And now, because I too had been ten minutes late, we had less time together than planned. “How’s life?” […]

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Bon Voyage!

“The voyage itself is not important, but rather the one with which you travel that counts.” Travel is one of the best ways to see how slow you can go. Waiting in line to board planes, buses and trains is a great opportunity to test […]

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Is There Such a Thing as Too Much Slow?

Husband shuffled lethargically from the car to the house and back again. Three hotels and 1,000 KM later, he had had enough of vacation. Admittedly, ten days is a long time of non-stop togetherness. Eager to return to my every day life myself, I predicted […]

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Work: The Long and the Hard of It

Seth Godin makes a great point (when does he not?) when he draws a distinction between long and hard work. Long work contains the number of hours one puts in at the office, such as the lawyer that bills a fourteen-hour day. Hard work is […]

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