The Cleanliness Code

Filth is something I’m very familiar with. I grew up, after all, on a horse farm with barnyard cats, half-feral dogs and enough land to scamper gleefully without seeing another person for miles (or so it seemed). But as I have gotten older with a […]

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Time-Saving Household Tips

HGTV sent me some cool tips I just had to share. Because even though we have a lot of time-saving devices in our home, we often feel we can’t bother cleaning, as if it’s taking us away from something more important. I don’t know about […]

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Space Awakening

You may have ignored its calling, but its crisp edges slice your skin as you enter it. The cool of fall may have only peeked once or twice through the late-summer haze. But its undertones can be heard, if ever vaguely, beneath the sound of […]

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Taming Kitchen Beast

We’ve all been there in that space of unutterable chaos. Well, at least if you’ve ever lived with kids for even an hour… [youtube=]

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Space Clearing

Whether we carry our baggage inside or out, we all have our own load to bear. My ten year-old daughter’s room is no different. Her biggest issue is The Paper Plague. She starts projects, usually stops mid-page, then stuffs it in a drawer, on a surface […]

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