Creators of the Storyline

The life of a writer can be extremely isolating, insular, yet vast and full. We think, we observe, we hear, we write. We live off the hope that a reader’s life will be changed by what we say. Stories live inside our heads, begging to […]

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Move the World with Your Awesome

The papers in my office must copulate at night because I swear to you I have recycled, tossed and filed for weeks and it keeps on coming. In yet another vigorous act of purging, I recently threw out reams of grade school notebooks that my […]

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A Message for All of Humanity

The kingdom of God resides within us all. Whatever your belief system is, know this: you can change the world. In fact, you do every day, with every action, with every encounter. All that you need already lies within you. The question is how will […]

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Terror has no place here

If you have a living memory of this day ten years ago, it is a day you will never forget. The atrocities, the suffering, the heroism and the long-lasting impact of September 11th have forever marked our world’s landscape. It was also the day that […]

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My Camera Took a God Trip

Life is not a plan. It’s a journey. This is something my mom knows well. So it was fitting that, as we journeyed NYC-bound on the Acela Express, we would soon learn not only people can travel, but things can, too. You see my mom […]

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The Power of Words

The pen is mightier than the sword. That’s a saying that struck a chord in my young mind so many years ago. Words can kill. Words can heal. Words are beauty and grace and love. Words are ugliness and dishonor and hatred. Words can move […]

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Time to Be Kind

As Halloween decorations get whisked off front lawns, we enter the season of gratitude. Numerous studies have shown that being thankful can contribute to longevity. Gratitude also fosters kindness, something the world can use more of today. As we bustle about, stressed about the economy and […]

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