The No Vacation Nation

Our relationship with time is embedded in our culture. It is never so apparent than in the different ways in which people view vacation. For some, vacation is a luxury; for others, it’s a birthright. One glance at this chart reveals how diverse our perspective […]

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Where Does All The Time Go?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics issues an annual report called the American Time Use Survey that relies on self-reporting from a pool of respondents as to where all their time goes. Compared to 2007, we are now reading even less, watching more TV and playing […]

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The road less travelled

Image via Wikipedia Benjamin Franklin meant well. He advised his tradesmen audience in the aptly worded „Advice to a Young Tradesman”  that time is money. In his day a person of trade, well, traded his time for the money he earned. In many cases today […]

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Vacation Deprivation

According to the annual Vacation Deprivation survey, we’re in trouble. We don’t have much time off, and we don’t even take the time off we have. Studying the vacation habits of employed workers from the US, Canada, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Austria, Australia, New […]

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Power tools

Sunday is a day of rest like no other in Germany. A fairly traditional society, Germany observes more religious holidays than any other European country I know (with, perhaps, the exception of Spain). I live in Bavaria, which is the most conservative state in the […]

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Can we just…not?

Yesterday was the pinnacle. We traversed the Greater Munich area, enjoying the scenery and commenting on how beautiful Germany is. But last evening, soaking our sore hams in the bleeding sunlight, we agreed we would make today a ‘transition day’, a day in which we […]

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Vacating the premises

In a special Work-Life Balance section, CNN reported yesterday about vacation time in the United States. Are you fearful to take time off because you think you might get axed? Think again. It has been proven that rested workers are more productive than those who […]

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