What’s So Great About Getting Older?

A lot, actually. But of all the things I have learned in my lifetime, one stands out the most. The years have taught me not to take things personally. Milk gets spilled. Clouds form. Missteps happen. People misbehave (or behave differently than we would have them […]

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Wednesday Wisdom – Make, Don’t Find, Time

Lori Chance, single mom, author and entrepreneur, describes how she makes time by saying the single most powerful word in any language. NO! Listen here for Lori’s notions of making, not finding, time. [Listening instructions: Click on the link, then click on it again for it […]

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Power tools

Sunday is a day of rest like no other in Germany. A fairly traditional society, Germany observes more religious holidays than any other European country I know (with, perhaps, the exception of Spain). I live in Bavaria, which is the most conservative state in the […]

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