Dipping into the Matrix

Wordle. An addictive word-guessing game that has you coming back for more. I started playing a few months ago. First for fun. Then for meaning. And for anyone who knows me, they know my first love has, and always will be, words and the power […]

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Seven Thousand Ways to Listen

“When we lose our map, our knowledge of the path begins.” Mark Nepo, Seven Thousands Ways to Listen Simon & Shuster asked me to read Mark Nepo’s book on the many different ways to listen. His poetic, fluid writing captured me from page one onward. As […]

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The Art of Listening

Listening. It is a hard skill to learn. The irony is we have an innate ability to listen. In fact, it has been necessary for our survival as a species. Before we learned to speak, we had to listen to our parents. Before we lived […]

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The Soothing Sound of Silence

Noise. We are surrounded by it more than we know. Whether it’s the television, our phones or airplanes overhead, we are subjected to a great deal of sound every day. Silence is very rare indeed. Yet it is in the silent inward gaze that we […]

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