The Greatest Disappearing Act

Something happens when you have kids. The world sees you through different eyes. Or maybe we see ourselves with a specific pair of glasses that we willingly place upon our noses. When my kids were little, I felt invisible. All eyes were on them as […]

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A Love Letter to Alanis

Every once in a while someone comes along to change your life in surprising ways. You don’t expect it. You don’t anticipate the vastness of their effect on your life. And then there it is ~ a newness you never thought possible. Alanis Morissette is […]

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Removing the Taboo of Motherhood

Motherhood is as sacred as Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha and Yahweh combined. People often have specific notions about it so most people don’t address the topic with much neutrality. Motherhood is a state of being. It is a relationship with others. And it signifies the perpetuation […]

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Reaping the Fruits of Slow Family Living

Bear with me. It sounds complicated, but really, it’s not. My e-friend Bernadette Noll, who is friends of friends of my friend living in Munich, is the co-founder of the Slow Family Movement, the idea of investing time in our families instead of the activities […]

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Do Busy Moms Have Time?

After reading Washington Post staff writer Brigid Schulte’s time starvation manifesto, “The Test of Time: A busy working mother tries to figure out where all her time is going,” I couldn’t resist but to reach out to her to share the power of slow. I […]

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Stepping Out of Your Role and Into Yourself

The outdoor temperature flirted with freezing as we shifted our weight from one foot to the other. The rain pelted our heads relentlessly as we waited for the command. “And…action!” We quickly whipped off our hatwear, pretending it was a breezy spring-like day. It wasn’t. […]

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The Gift of a Year

The Christmas gift I enjoyed most this year was a used book my sister sent me. It was simply perfect as my sister had gushed for almost an hour on the phone about the effects the book had on her earlier this summer. The Gift of a […]

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Slow Mom Movement

Kiwi magazine and I had a chat recently about living the slow life. Perhaps indicative of the topic, my phone didn’t work the day we were to have the phone interview so we had to reschedule for the following day. Embracing the slow, I realized […]

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Slow Parenting moves to the Motherlode

Lisa Belkin has her finger on the pulse of contemporary motherhood like no other. She blogged about her chat with Carl Honoré about slow parenting and what it means for parents today. I love his message. It harmonizes with mine. Go at your own pace […]

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