The deep exhalation

As the fog tumbled slowly down our lane, I felt a quiet awakening of spirit and an inward song left too long unsung. The egregious years of reckoning sank solemnly upon our heads and hearts as we struggled to find the real behind the curtain. […]

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No need to panic — just yet

Street fights. Christmas market attacks. Protests against mass immigration. The rise of populism and the puppetry of power. If we are to believe the media, the world is careening toward disaster. Over and over again. But there is one media member who is optimistic: Josef […]

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For the love of Trump

I get my best ideas when vacuuming. I am not sure whether it is the repetitive cleansing motion, the sound of circulated air or a combination of the two, but somehow it jiggles my brain into thinking the most astounding thoughts. As I was maneuvering […]

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Bowing to the altar of love

A seismic shift in thinking can happen with a single book. Or a single experience. Or a combination of both. The Anatomy of Peace: Resolving the Heart of Conflict by The Arbinger Institute is one such book. Sending my son to the outback in Utah […]

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A Return to Love

When did life turn into a game of Whack-a-Mole? If you switch on the news for even a moment, it’s as if the entire world has turned into a thwacking, walloping, hectic machine. We’re dodging and hopping and pummeling against an elusive something. We argue. […]

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This is the sign we’ve been looking for

Diaphanous. It means fragile. Fine. Like democracy itself. We have once again witnessed how quickly the tides can turn as Alabama voted for kindness over coldness. If we turn up. Gloating is majorly unattractive. So is name-calling. And even if I agree politically with certain […]

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The insanity is about to end.

Change is in the air. I can smell it like a pending snowfall. I’m not sure if it’s the careening soar toward the end of 2017 that has me believing change is afoot or whether the volume on the near-silent hum of winter’s slumber has […]

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The Search for Simplicity

The sweet, satisfied sigh that ensues a Sudoku puzzle accomplished. The chubby rolls of a baby’s leg. The quickly abated tragedy put aside with ice cream and a game of catch. The nightly news that speaks of a neighborhood robbery, not the salacious stealing of […]

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Why I deleted Facebook

Sometimes self-control is not enough. Sometimes you have to carefully position your own roadblocks to force saner living. With the press of an “x”, I dismissed the vitriol that had become my daily breakfast, lunch and dinner. Not only have I found myself pining for […]

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Angry? Go Off(line)

The dream ended with a thought: one day even the Internet will be obsolete. One day everything will be. The thought comforted me as I snapped on my phone in the middle of the night, unable to sleep as the turmoil of the past few […]

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