It’s a Slow Planet

Carl Honoré, author of In Praise of Slow, sat down for a cyberchat with me today. He is not only an incredibly talented public speaker and journalist, but also the owner of SlowPlanet. It is a fabulous Web site for people looking to slow it down […]

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Family First – First Family

Michelle Obama is a woman with priorities. Attempting to maintain normalcy in her daughters’ lives won’t be easy, but she is committed to trying. While life as the First Lady certainly won’t be slow, she has exuded a level-headedness I find inspiring. We mothers can […]

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Getting into Balance When Your Brain Strikes

[youtube=]Jill Bolte Taylor was thirty-seven when she woke up one day to feel how her body had dissolved and had melded with all the energies of the Universe. She was having a stroke. As a brain researcher, she watched as her brain failed her. In […]

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What is Slow?

Welcome to the Power of Slow, the blog that accompanies a new book being released by St. Martin’s Press in the fall of 2009. The book is entitled The Power of Slow: 101 Ways to Save Time in Our 24/7 World. Slow down to speed up. It’s […]

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