Focus Fridays ~ Please Give Me 10!

Laura Brady Saade of shares her insights into living your dreams ten minutes at a time along with some cool slow tips for fostering creativity in our 24/7 world. To listen to this week’s Focus Fridays podcast, click here for Laura! If you like […]

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Can you bear some change?

It was a fruitless exercise, but I was already caught up in the ‘have tos’ and ‘gottas’. You see there I was, standing at the bakery counter, digging through my purse for some loose change so I could keep my Euro whole that I planned […]

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Poll ~ Is Multitasking a Must or a Myth?

People seem really divided on this issue. Debunking scientific research that proves the brain can only concentrate on one thing at a time, people clamor to this notion of multitasking. “I just can’t get through the day without it,” a radio host told me yesterday […]

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What is productivity anyway?

Productivity is a term with deep implications in Western society. If we obtain it, we are considered successful. If we don’t, we are not. While writing my book, The Power of Slow, I examined why we do the things we do such as obsessive email checking […]

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We may bemoan the treacheries and time-sucking nature of the Internet, but it sure has introduced me to some of the most fascinating people on the planet. When used mindfully, the Internet offers buckets of useful (and not so useful) information. With technological advances such […]

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Sunshine Days

The weather has been unexpectedly spectacular since I have been in the States. New York hit 70F on last Thursday. It stayed warm even when it rained the following day. Boston’s weather has been the same. Today the sun warmed our faces as we smiled […]

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Digital Drama

The veiled powers of slow were at work once again today. Actually, it started yesterday when I decided to spend the morning with a friend. Her husband had just moved to China for a six-month assignment. I thought I’d cheer her up and invite her […]

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Trumping Hard Times with Laughter

While talking with my sister on the phone yesterday, she made me laugh for a full 90 seconds. She was conveying something rather serious and power-of-slow-related about how annoyed she gets when people show up late to lunch dates. “Your coming late by twenty minutes might […]

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