The battle of surrender

Suffice it to say, it has been a weird, weird Spring. Frozen in a state of paralysis, I watched time first stand still, then rush down the corridor in a torrent. Weeks spilled into weekends into a space beyond the clock. Did I wake up […]

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The day the words were gone

Words, my faithful companions since day 1, flew daintily out the window over the series of days we call March. Perhaps they took it literally as Leap Year’s bossy February 29th delayed its entrance. “March!” the words must have heard as they awoke from their […]

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Contagion is not just a movie

The movie Contagion is all the rage right now (thanks, Gwyneth!). But there is another kind of contagion we need to be thinking about as we enter the flu season. Family Values @ Work, a national network of state coalitions fighting for paid sick days […]

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