Who Gives a Shift?

Change. It’s the only thing we can count on. And it’s gonna happen, whether we like it or not. Although we may try to prepare ourselves for life’s transitions, it isn’t really possible to consider all eventualities. Back in the day when I was scraping by […]

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In Deep Water

Cruising along the Danube from Linz to Passau with the top down and my spirits high, I realized how tenuous life can be. Just a few weeks prior to that moment, the entire road I was driving had been covered in several tons of water. […]

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Made it through the Rain

It’s time to be honest. I am going to out myself. I was a Barry Manilow fan as a kid. You got it. I loved him. Would have died for him. But what was a rural tween to do other than to make up dance […]

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The Patient Magnificence of Nature

In my very anthropomorphic view, I swear I could hear the wisteria crying as we trimmed away two decades of sinewed vines that had clung to the porch we had to rebuild this April. Offering shelter to man and animal alike, its towering verdancy would […]

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