Little Victories

Sometimes the world feeds us falsehoods. Or misdirected messages. Or confusing experiences. We teeter-totter our way toward truth, or our version of it at least. Panic sets in. Or hope. Or despair. Or none of the above. Every moment offers us the chance to see […]

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When “Why” is all there is

Having a vision is an incredibly important ingredient to having a great life. It is the “what” that we often pursue: more money, more fame, more of simply everything. But is the “what” really a driving force that can sustain us? I think not. Even […]

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Miracles Take Time

Time is one of my favorite topics. It affects absolutely everything in the Universe, inanimate or not. How long a thing, person, plant, planet or pet exists depends on the isochrony of the clock. When I was a graduate student, I brought my love of language […]

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