The Blessings of Forgiveness

The holidays are the best time of year to look at our issues, observe our triggers and take inventory of all that took place over the months leading to its closure. 2018 was a year of enormous impact. I don’t know about you, but for […]

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The Spark of the Shadow

Go to the light, the self-help books say. Dance in brightness, live your spark, seek the goodness in all things. And yet, when we go to the light, our shadows follow us. Wherever there is light, there are shadows. Our shadow selves are the dark […]

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The Joy Option

Love comes from within. And it starts with loving yourself first. You know the adage: you can’t find love if you don’t know how to give it. That applies to giving it to yourself in heaps too. I learned this lesson the hard way, always […]

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Move the World with Your Awesome

The papers in my office must copulate at night because I swear to you I have recycled, tossed and filed for weeks and it keeps on coming. In yet another vigorous act of purging, I recently threw out reams of grade school notebooks that my […]

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The Act of Self-Forgiveness

“What a stupid thing to do!” “How could I have done that?” “I’m soooo embarrased!” “I’m such an idiot.” We have all said these things to ourselves at one point in our lives. The negative self-talk in which we engage only serves to make us […]

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Desiderata Days ~ Self-Love

In the time of self-loathing, we are due for some serious self-love. We are enough ~ we are more than enough! Max Ehrmann says: Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. Oftentimes we feel we have to do everything at once ~ be svelt, […]

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Give Forgiveness Pants a Try

Do your days thunder by in a flurry of activity? Have you forgotten where you got on to the carousel and, more importantly, where to get off? We often aim for perfection, squeezing ourselves into a mold made by someone else. It is on days […]

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