The Frenzy of Immediacy

Ping. Click. Bing. Bloop. Blip. Huuuuuunnnn! How often do you hear these sounds on an average day? And each time you do, your attention is pulled away from what you are doing to what someone else wants you to know. Parenting in a digital world […]

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Dead Man (Distracted) Walking

The other day I scored major points with my son. He indirectly mentioned his concern about my iPhone obsession by commenting about how another soccer mom watched her phone more than the game. “She’s reaaaaaaally manic about her phone, Mom,” he eyed me closely. He […]

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Wednesday Wait a Minute!

In my new Wednesday Wait a Minute! video series, I will be exploring timely topics that will help you take one minute to pause. This week’s video looks at texting drivers and what we can do to reclaim the road with both hands. [youtube=]

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